This is our electrician. You can tell because he has voltage coming out his ear.
This is our plumber. He has a pipe growing out of his face.
This is Chad, the foreman; Rebecca, my main squeeze; and Marc, the architect. I don't know what they're doing.
Construction-wise, our heating ducts have been installed and I'm happy to report they're being embedded in the ceiling. That is a great improvement from before when the ducts were hanging low and running every which way. On a dark and stormy night a few Decembers ago, one of these bad boys just crashed to the floor and we had no heat.
Before: low-hanging, unattractive ducts. |
Now: not-as-low hanging, still unattractive ducts.
Soon: a cover-up in which the ducts will be hidden in the ceiling.
Upstairs, our new windows are being installed. Sadly, I forgot to specify that we'd like to be able to see out them.
I think I feel an upcharge coming on.
And here two pictures that I just like. Never thought I'd say that about construction photos, but then I never thought I'd be buying my jeans at Bloomingdale's, either. Don't ask . . .
That's all for now, folks. Rebecca and I are heading off on our big trip tomorrow, so I probably won't be posting much till September.