I know, it's been a while since I've posted. Two and a half months, actually. A lot's gone on in that time. Construction on the Babe Cave is complete and we have furnished it.
We went from this scene last February
to this in May,
this in July,
and this in January.
We tiled the back stairs that go from the deck to the Babe Cave.
To the right of those stairs was a funky old retaining wall, which we upgraded to feature a little fern garden that only those inside the cave can see.
We replaced our treacherous old interior staircase with a safe new one.
But in remodeling, as in life, all things are connected.
To make the staircase less steep, the guys had to add more steps, thereby making it longer. That meant they had to create more headroom to prevent Rebecca and me from hitting our little noggins on the overhang. And what sat atop the overhang was our upstairs bathroom, which therefore had to be modified.
The bathroom had a bathtub.
The bathtub had to go.
The builders, being builders, figured what the hey. Might as well remove the vanity, too.
Something had to fill the void.
(Drum roll . . .)
And behold!
Our new tricked-out custom-built Super Vanity! More powerful than a locomotive. And big enough to fit one inside it.
We did lots of other stuff, too. Made our foundation and roof more watertight. In between, we shored up pretty much everything else.
Upgraded plumbing and electricity. Painted inside and out. Replaced our 19-year-old carpeting. Got new windows.
Best of all, in my humble opinion, we added a swell new home for my bobbleheads. This sucker is seven feet tall.
So . . .
Hope you've enjoyed reading the blog as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Come visit! Just don't forget to wipe your feet. Me and the Mrs. have gotten awfully persnickety lately.